Monday, November 29, 2010

Thankful for so much!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday weekend with the ones you love and care about. It has been great being home over the last week and spending time with people I haven't seen in over 3 months. There's nothing better than getting a welcome home hug from my sister Kelli accompanied by her exclamation "Brandon!" I have really enjoyed catching up with family and friends here in the Grand Rapids area. I love being able to share the amazing things God is doing down at SharpTop Cove and also being able to hear about the journeys many of my friends and family have experienced over the past 3-6 months in West Michigan.

This weekend I had the opportunity to reconnect with even more friends as I headed up to Timber Wolf Lake for the wedding of John and Christina Balmat. So happy for the both of them and I know the Lord is going to use their marriage for amazing things as they continue to serve Christ with all of their hearts. Along with celebrating a new marriage, I was able to see a good number of the many great people I worked with this past summer in at TWL. Even though I now spend most of my time this year at another Young Life camp 14 hours South of Lake City, there will always be a special place in my heart for the people and beauty of Timber Wolf.

Well today the excitement of oral surgery has been a reality to me. At 9am this morning I went in town to have my four wisdom teeth removed. Just one of those things that I have needed to get done for a while now, and thanks to the blessing of dental insurance through my year-long internship, I could now afford to do it. I'm definitely sore, but recovering well. It is hard for me to just rest all day, because I would love to continue to reconnect with so many others I haven't been able to see yet during my time here in MI. But, I know that realistically that is not possible and recovery must be my focus, so I can feel well enough to fly back to GA on Thursday.

I'm excited to come back to my intern family in those three short days. My time away from camp has definitely given me many moments to think of how thankful I am for all eight of the other interns, as well as the property staff at SharpTop Cove. I was very blessed to share a thanksgiving meal with the intern communtiy just a few days before we all left for home. There was so much delicious food and the turkey I cooked turned out very well!

I'm definitely thankful for so much. Thanks to you for taking the time to read this blog and partner with me in this amazing journey God is leading me on as I serve at SharpTop Cove.

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