Sunday, November 7, 2010

Welcome November...

Hey everyone! It's been a chilly weekend here at SharpTop Cove. Yesterday's high was only in the 40's! It feels more like Michigan than Georgia right now. Thankfully the forecast gives hope of warmer weather as the new week commences.

Well, last week was our (the interns) first week in new departments. So far, during my time in the Sites and Maintenance department I have spent a majority of my time helping paint a camp vehicle, transporting old and new lumber, ordering new light bulbs, and picking up supplies from town. It was a good first week, but I know I will be learning a lot more in the days to come.

One disappointment came a few days back when my car stopped going again. After another visit to the mechanic it appears I do indeed need a new or rebuilt transmission. Not the most inexpensive thing in the world. Right now I'm weighing my options and I may decide to live the simple life for awhile without a car. Definitely not an impossible endeavor since I live at camp, but also not the most convenient.

Pray for wisdom for me concerning my car situation. Also continue to pray for our intern group as we continue to adjust to our new jobs and learn how to better our community within our different schedules. Finally, pray for us as we prepare for the holidays with family and friends. Blessings!

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