Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Hello Session Two!

Well the first three weeks of our summer camping season have come and gone already. Our first session assigned team, summer staff, and work crew left early Sunday morning and our new session two folks arrived that same weekend. We had quite the welcome with a fierce thunderstorm rolling through camp Saturday night. The power was out for a bit and there was some minor tree damage around camp. Thankfully no one was hurt and things are starting to transition to the normal summer feel.

Pray for our energy as we continue to spend long hours this week as we train our new summer staff and work crew through their first week. Also, pray for new relationships with these people to begin and grow (right now I'm just trying to remember all the names!) . Finally, pray that no matter how long are days get and how much work has to get done, that we always stay centered on Christ as we serve in this place.


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