Friday, July 15, 2011

One Month to Go!

It seems crazy to say...only one month remaining during our year long internship here at SharpTop Cove. Definitely mixed emotions come along with the reality of the change ahead. Excited for whatever God has in store for me next. But, I'm going to miss this experience and the people I've been able to share it with over the last year.

We've got one more session of summer staff, work crew, and assigned team staff starting this weekend. We'll be working with them for the next three weeks as we all serve the next groups of high school campers that come through SharpTop. Then, there will be one more week left as we wrap up things here at camp.

No matter what's next, I'm excited for what will be happening here over the next month. I want to enjoy the remaining time I have with my fellow interns and staff. I want to serve the summer staff and work crew in the kitchen well. I don't want to miss out on what God is doing in the lives of the hundreds of campers who will be visiting this property each week. May He give the rest of the interns and myself the strength, and energy to live out the next four weeks to the fullest.

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