Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The busy summer season...

Hey everyone! It's week two here at SharpTop Cove and things are busy, but going really well. I get the opportunity to lead five summer staff in the kitchen as we prepare and serve breakfast and lunch for over 600 people each day. There's a lot of work that goes into all of that preparation, but it is such a blessing to be leading this group. Despite a variety of personalities, our group is becoming closer together each day and I feel like we have really tried to center ourselves each day on the Lord.

When I'm not hanging out at the kitchen each day, I have been trying to engage in the other elements of camp, such as club, tableau, opera, etc. Also, I have been able to brush up on my frisbee golf game with some of the other interns. While there's a lot of improving left to do, I really have enjoyed the friendly competion and time we have been able to share with each other throwing the disc.

With the first session at about the halfway point, I ask you to keep us all in your prayers here at SharpTop Cove.

  • Pray for the group of campers from last week who committed their lives to Christ and strengthened their relationship with Him. Pray for their transition back to home and for their relationships with their Young Life leaders, family, and friends.

  • Pray for the lives of the campers here this week as they continue to hear the gospel and learn what it means to trust.

  • Pray for the next eight weeks of campers who are anticipating their arrival to SharpTop Cove.

  • Pray for the community of work crew, summer staff, assigned team, and SharpTop staff to be energized in our work as we finish out the session over the next week and a half.

Thanks y'all!

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