Monday, September 20, 2010

The beauty of worship...

Hey everyone! I can hardly believe that I've already been living in Jasper, GA for over a month now. The time has flown by with the busyness of camp. We have had campers here almost every day since I've been here, both weekends and weekdays. It's great seeing this camp being utilized to its potential with so many people. However, the abundance of campers means that all of the interns are very busy. In fact, this past weekend we had 950 campers and staff to serve during an Atlanta church's high school youth group retreat! The camp was packed and the cleanup was long. However, I was able to attend a couple of the group's worship sessions and was reminded of why we do what do. Through all the cleaning, folding, and dealing with screaming kids on the zip-line and swing, we are setting the stage for students to be introduced to Jesus Christ and grow in their faith! It was so great to witness students from freshmen to seniors listen to what it means to be defined by Christ and not the world. Also, I was inspired to see so many of these students worship with passion each night. Most of the time I don't get to witness these things, as my jobs keep me in the background of the camp experience. But, I think it's healthy to take the time every now and then and get a first-hand glance at God working in these adolescents' lives.

Speaking of health, one thing I really craved this past summer was the ability to attend church services each Sunday. Unfortunately we were so busy from May-August up at TWL that we never were able to gather in worship once a week away from camp. Even though it's still crazy busy here at SharpTop and I work most Sundays, we have been able to find the time to attend a few evening church services over the past month. Each time I have gone, I definitely have enjoyed my experience. However, I was never convicted that these places were definitely the place I wanted to worship for the remaining months of this internship. Well, that was until last night.

Six of us decided to go to Passion City Church yesterday evening in Atlanta. The church is pretty large and varies in location each week (they're currently constructing a building that they hope to move into by early next year). I had a huge smile on my face as I found my seat and saw that Chris Tomlin was leading worship alongside Christy Nockels and Kristian Stanfill! However, the mood of the beginning of the evening was one of sorrow as we learned that Louie Giglio, founder and speaker of the church, had his mother pass away during the afternoon. Some may have expected Chris to try to put this hardship aside as he led worship. However, he was genuine in his leadership as we cried out to God in our desperation for his compassion. But then through our grief we were able to still praise God for conquering the grave through his son's sacrifice on the cross. It was so freeing to worship in this environment, allowing God to take our cares and worries upon his shoulders and just cry out to him. I also really enjoyed the teaching from Andy Stanley, pastor at North Point Church, who filled in for Louie. I can't wait to go back and worship there again. I truly feel the presence of the Lord in that place along with the passion of the congregation to intentionally serve Christ. My prayers go out to Louie Giglio and his family as they deal with their tremendously difficult loss.

I have learned it is so easy to get caught up in the craziness of life, whether it's the busyness of work, the difficulty of family, or the pressures of finances. However, I encourage you to never lose sight of the cross no matter what may come your way. Amos 5:4 tells us to "seek the Lord and live." I hope you will join me in really striving to seek, cry out to, live for, and glorify our great God in all circumstances. It is only through his strength that we can live. Blessings to you!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Brandon amazing! I am so grateful to the Lord that you and the some of the other fellow staff could have a chance to experience this church and the worship. (I'll be in prayer for the family who lost their mom as well, as I know firsthand how hard it is to lose someone so dear to you.)

    I pray that all of us will draw close to the Lord through the good times as well as the difficult and dark times, and just reach out to Him,and let Him be "our Abba Father, our daddy." "Draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you..." James 4:8

    Praise the Lord for a program like Young Life. These camps definitely give an opportunity to young people, from various walks of life, to experience first hand, not only recreation and social interaction, but also a chance to know God on a personal level.

    As guests of Timberwolfe earlier in the summer, we were blessed to experience this wonderful ministry. I was amazed at the passion of the staff, whose focus was to let Christ shine through everything.

    They inspire these precious young people, so they can in return share their faith and be a light, at home, school and in their every day lives. "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." Matt 5:16

    We will keep praying for all of you, the staff, campers and family members, as well as the community, as we are all in this together, and we need one another.

    God bless you richly Brandon and keep growing in the Lord.
