Sunday, August 15, 2010

"It's not goodbye, it's see ya later"...

It's hard to believe my summer internship at TWL has come to an end. The last three months have been filled with many incredible memories with the amazing people I was surrounded by. I really enjoyed each of my three groups of summer staff I supervised in the kitchen. While personalities varied, each group was committed to serving well each morning and genuinely wanted to grow in their relationship with Christ.

Along with the summer staff and work crew, I had the pleasure to work with great property staff. Each day I was encouraged by many of them. It always brought a smile to my face to see the maintenance staff walk through the kitchen each day with their big smiles, asking what the menu provided for breakfast. Most of all, I am appreciative of the three kitchen staff, Nate, John, and Jessica, who helped us interns lead well each day.

Finally, the best element of the summer was being a part of an amazing intern community. The sixteen others I lived with for ninety days at the Swamp did tremendous work in their respective leadership positions around camp. With our daily jobs spreading us out around TWL from morning to dusk, I learned to appreciate greatly the off days we were able to spend together. Some days we traveled to places such as Traverse City or Sleeping Bear Dunes. Other days we just took it easy and rejuvenated at camp by the beach or enjoying 18 holes of Frisbee golf.

I'm definitely going to miss these interns. I truly hope and expect to maintain friendships with some of these people for the rest of my life. It has been so powerful hearing their stories and seeing how each individual had arrived to where they were this summer at camp. I can't wait to see where God leads each of my fellow 16 interns over the next year and beyond.

As for myself, I am excited about the opportunity in front of me to enter a new internship at Sharp Top Cove in Jasper, GA. I expect to arrive at camp in just a few short days on Friday evening. I am looking forward to trusting God on this new journey and being able to serve in a new community and environment. While I'm excited, it definitely will be difficult moving twelve hours away from friends and family for a whole year. I would love to have you walk alongside me in this new journey with encouragement through e-mail, facebook, phone calls, or especially letters/packages in the mail. My new address will be:
Brandon Tschirhart
Young Life Sharp Top Cove
76 Camp Hope Road
Jasper, Georgia 30143

I hope to update again once I get to SharpTop! Talk to you all soon!


  1. I have enjoyed getting to know you! You are a man of God and I hope and pray your time at Sharp Top will be amazing. Maybe a little care package will even arrive from time to time... :)

  2. Thanks Judy! I'm so glad I was able to share this past summer with you and the rest of the property staff at TWL. I'm excited to be able to stay in touch with you over the next year and share news from SharpTop, as well as hear how things in Lake City are going. Oh and care packages are definitely encouraged! =) Blessings!
