Monday, May 10, 2010

Continuous Love...

In seven days I will be heading up US-131 North, making the two hour journey towards Timber Wolf Lake where I will be a kitchen intern for the next four months. The most common question I have been asked lately is "are you nervous?"

As I begin a journey that will keep me away from home for the next sixteen months, I think it is only natural to be a little nervous. There is a bit of uncertainty that comes with every new endeavor. Yet, this transition is honestly bringing me more excitement than nervousness. I'm excited to head to Timber Wolf Lake, a place that over the past eight years has been like my second home. I can't wait to become part of a community of interns, property staff, summer staff, and work crew who will all be serving Christ, by serving kids!

Having a servant's heart is something that I believe God desires out of all of us. I am reminded of the scripture in the last chapter of John's Gospel when Jesus confronts Peter (John 21:15-19). Through all that transpires, I envision an amazing progression of God's love. It was just after Jesus' arrest that Peter had denied Christ three times (John 18:15-27)! Yet, despite his rejection, Jesus still showed the ultimate display of love for his friend (John 15:13), sacrificing his own life on the cross (John 19:30). Then the mercy of the cross continues three days after his crucifixion, as Jesus pursues Peter. He asks him three times "Do you love me?" And with each answer of "yes," I envision the sorrow and grief of Peter, caused by his denials, wiped clean through forgiveness. But, Jesus does not leave him there. He tells him to take care of his sheep (21:16). In essence, Jesus is telling Peter that if he really wants to show Jesus his love, he must display it to others. As we read in the book of Acts, Peter does just that through serving others and proclaiming the gospel message of Christ.

This encourages my heart greatly and is really the exclamation point on the excitement within me. I am tremendously grateful to have the opportunity to continue the display of Christ's love by my words and actions at Timber Wolf Lake. Whether it be in the community of interns, the morning gatherings in the kitchen, or an interaction with a camper, I am confident that God will provide many moments for this love to be shown. My prayer is that each day He will strengthen me and give me the courage to continuously be His hands and feet and take advantage of every opportunity given.

Yes, the excitement definitely outweighs the nervousness.

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