Tuesday, April 19, 2011

April Summer...

Well, it's about eighty degrees outside and sunny in mid-April. Definitely love weather like this, especially after hearing about reports of snow on the ground a couple of days ago back home in Michigan. Everything is continuing to go well here in GA. Just over a week ago, our intern group and a few others from SharpTop and WindyGap went to an Atlanta Braves baseball game followed by an Avett Brothers concert, both at Turner Field. Even though the braves lost to the Phillies, it was a fun day. Definitely loved catching up with a few of the WindyGap interns as well.

Camp life is going pretty well lately. Anticipation is high for the summer. Last week we had assigned team training for all of the Field Staff who will be running the three sessions of camp this summer here at SharpTop. It was great to meet so many people I will see in a month or two. I can't wait to get to know them all better.

In the mean time, I'm excited to head home in a couple days to see my family for Easter weekend. It's been just over four months since I've seen them last, so I'm really looking forward to hanging out with them and some good friends back home for a few days. Then, hopefully I'll be joining the family again a few days later for a family vacation in SC. Definitely things to look forward to before the busyness of the summer.

Thanks again for your prayers here and may we all focus on the sacrifice and resurrection of our Lord Jesus this week!

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