Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Nicaragua here we come!

So today is the day that all of the interns and a few property staff from Sharptop Cove and Windy Gap Young Life camps are traveling down to Nicaragua. The camp we'll be helping out at is called "La Finca" and is located in Jinotega, Nicaragua. As part of our trip we'll be staying one night with a host family, working at camp for a few days, possibly helping out in the coffee plantation, hiking a volcano, and visiting a marketplace. Definitely excited. I'll update you all when I come back on what actually transpires.

One neat little tidbit is that all of the guys from SharpTop on our trip grew out our mustaches for the trip. It's been a fun little community builder, but I'm definitely ready to shave it off once we get back. Hopefully it's not too poorly received when we travel.

Also, over the past couple of weeks my new kitchen rotation has started. In that time we've served over 1,000 guests on weekend camp trips and also provided meals for property staff who were here for sound training last week. Still trying to get back into the rhythm of last summer, but for the most part I'm enjoying the experience.

Well that's all I've got for now. Look forward to sharing about Nicaragua with you next week. Blessings!

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