Hey everyone! The last few weeks have been crazy busy, so I apologize in not being able to update more often. Let me give you a quick summary on what has taken place.
The first three camp weeks were WyldLife weeks here at Timber Wolf Lake. Each camp week is five days long and is packed full of outdoor games, free time opportunities at the blob, zip-line, rope swing, basketball, game room, etc. Also, each cabin gets the opportunity to climb the rockwall, go tubing on the lake, and venture through the ropes course. On top of this is the theme of program (Bear Claw Training Camp) which interacts with the campers throughout the week at clubs, meal times, and a variety of all-camp activities. Through all these events our hope is that kids will be able to have fun, gain trust in their WyldLife leaders and fellow students, and be prepared to listen and talk about the gospel message of Christ.
Somewhere in the mix of these crazy five day weeks, food service comes into the picture. It seems like a minor detail, but being able to serve kids through food is really important in giving each student and leader the energy they need to thrive at camp each day. Plus, we try to make the dining experience enjoyable for these kids with tasty meals. Also, we set up each area with round tables for eight or nine people each, which allows an opportunity for more bonding between campers and leaders through discussion (as opposed to the ever popular method of eating in front of a tv screen at home).
My job in the kitchen has focused on the successful preparation and service of breakfast and lunch to campers. I help lead the charge with our summer staff cooks in making meals such as french toast, ham and cheese omeletes, and pancakes. I have been blessed with an amazing crew of 4 summer staffers (plus 2 more who helped for the first three weeks) and it has been great getting to know each of them and their stories.
The third week of WyldLife I was really excited because the students from my area back home (Eastern Ottawa) were coming up. I really enjoyed being able to see familiar faces and hang out with our group of guys after I finished my work in the kitchen. For sure, I had to be careful not to do too much because a day of work in the kitchen can be exhausting enough even without plans to hang out with kids for six hours afterwards. But, I was able to get some good quality time watching them rock climb, tube, play two-hand touch football, go to a couple clubs, and eat a few dinner time meals with them. I think they all really enjoyed their week and I'm hoping they were able to explore further what it means to live a life walking with Christ.
Following my area's departure on Father's Day, we had our first high school Young Life group arrive for a six-day camp week last Monday. It has been extremely busy this last week with the largest number of campers ever at Timber Wolf Lake being on the property. With more people and bigger stomachs (high school students eat a ton more than middle schoool kids) we have ended up preparing a ton of food for each meal. Also, high school meals are a little more complex in preparation. We cannot just throw chicken fingers in the oven for lunch anymore. With a new menu to cook and more campers to cook for, we have had quite a few long days this past week. I give my summer staff crew a ton of credit for persevering through exhaustion and being able to continue to try their best to serve with their best of ability and have fun.
So, all of this leads to today the last day of this first Young Life camp week. Tomorrow we will get our second high school group in and then one week from now our first session will come to an end. This means that our summer staff, work crew, and assigned team staff will be leaving for home and we will be getting ready for a brand new crew to come in for session two in July. It's crazy that we only have one more week with our current summer staff. It has been such a blessing being able to work with them and get to know them. Pray that we will be able to really make the most of their last week here and serve to the best of our ability.